GCH Maple Wind Fantine 5*M

Pictured as a 4-year-old/4th Freshener

Rear Udder as a 2 year old/2nd freshener
DOB: 03/26/18
Appraised 06-03
91 (VEEE)
Sire: *B Pearl Valley Rhett Romeo
Sire's Sire: ++*B Willow Run Ahren Rhett
Sire's Dam: GCH Willow Run JC Rio 4*M
Dam: SGCH Angel-Prairie Jack Fantome 4*M
Dam's Sire: +B Hoach's PGSS Lumberjack
Dam's Dam: SGCH Angel-Prairie Pharoah Fiction 3*M
Her Story
Pearl Valley Rhett Romeo was one of the first herdsires we purchased to improve our herd. He consistently threw high, wide mammary systems with amazing height and width of rear attachment, and smoothness of fore attachment that we were looking for. One of his first daughters was out of Fantome--she freshened as a yearling, then we could never get her bred again. She had everything we were looking for, and after trying for two years to get another Romeo x Fantome daughter, we were blessed with Fantine.
She didn't disappoint us when she freshened. She is elegant, dairy, correct, and has a beautiful mammary system. She was able to earn two legs at the Stillwell, OK show in May, and finished her CH by winning GCH at the Ozark Empire Fair. Quite a feat for a 2 year old!
She was at a disadvantage showing as a 3 year old, as we had older does to show in Champion Challenge against her. As a 4 year old, however, she started the year off winning Best in Show. She was one of our top does in 2022--we were elated to offer one of her twin doe kids in the 2022 Colorama Sale. Congratulations to Brittany Dixon--we hope Maple Wind You'll Be Popular (Poppy) does well for you!
In 2023 she continued to do well, trading BOB and BIS honors with Fanfare. Her daughter Dancing Thru Life won a BIS this summer and she has a son working for Sarah Carolle in Indiana.
She freshened with triplet bucks in 2024...and while we loved her production, she struggled to get into show condition. We took her to the 2024 ADGA National Show where she was 18th in a large class of competitive does. We are eager to get a daughter out of her in 2025!