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There is a certain "style" that really appeals to us, and that defines what we strive to breed at Maple Wind.  Strong milk production is important, longevity and conformation are important--but only those animals that have "that look" ultimately stay in our herd.  It's a challenge and a lot of fun to look at other herds and decide who has that next "piece of the puzzle" that will help us breed our ideal French Alpine. Using tightly linebred bucks with genetics that mix well with ours, we look for a herd sire with a dam that we wish we saw in our own barn every day. 


As previously stated, we carefully select a trait or quality that we want to work on before selecting a new herd sire. We typically rely on one to two sires each breeding season and will sometimes draw upon AI for special breedings. We are incredibly grateful to herds that have trusted us with their genetics and couldn't be happier to have them in our herd.  


For more information on each animal, simply click on their picture.

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Laura Warren-Hughes

Elizabeth, Madelyn and Caroline Warren

21107 5th Street

Dawn, MO  64638

660-973-2775 (call or text)

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